(12001) Evolution of curvature along the hyperbolic Ricci flow



We consider the hyperbolic geometric flow $\frac{\partial^2 g(t)}{\partial t ^2} = −2Ric_g(t)$ introduced by Kong and Liu [KL]. When the Riemannian metric evolve, then so does its curvature. Using the techniques and ideas of S.Brendle [Br, BS], we derive evolution equations for the Levi-Civita connection and the curvature tensors along the hyperbolic geometric flow. The method and results are computed and written in global tensor form, different from the local normal coordinate method in [DKL1]. In addition, we further show that any solution to the hyperbolic geometric flow that develops a singularity in finite time has unbounded Ricci curvature.


  • Evolution of curvature along the hyperbolic Ricci flow.pdf